22nd December 2024

Search Helmsley Town Council

Serving the people of Helmsley and Carlton

Helmsley Town Council is consulted on planning applications by two planning authorities, North Yorkshire Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA). The town council's views are submitted to the relevant authority but the town council lacks the power to make the final decision.

Members of the public should send comments to the relevant planning authority within any deadline period.

Members of the public sometimes attend council meetings to address the council during the session for public comments about planning applications, to support, object or comment on.

The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Much of Helmsley is in a Conservation Area (Article 4).

Members of the public may view and comment on planning applications online.
North Yorkshire Council Planning Register
North York Moors National Park Planning Applications

The North York Moors National Park has a Policy and Plans page and under the Other Plans page link you will find various documents on the current Helmsley Plan.

Temporary advertising signs in and around Helmsley and Flyposting

Fly Posting in the former Ryedale Area is dealt with Community Enforcement at North Yorkshire Council

Chris Harper - Enforcement Officer (waste) chris.harper1@northyorks.gov.uk

Martyn Barker – Community Enforcement Officer martyn.barker@northyorks.gov.uk

The 2007 Advertisement Regulations is quite complex with different outcomes depending on who is displaying the advert and the purpose, size and position of the advert, however the Government have produced a helpful user guide (may have been withdrawn and partly out of date).

Some signs may have deemed consent therefore can be displayed without obtaining advertisement consent from the Local Planning Authority.

Determining whether the display of an advert needs consent from the Authority is dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the NYMNPA and North Yorkshire Council. Please contact them and they can advise accordingly.

Helmsley Town Council at its meeting in April 2024 decided on the following approach:

• to request that NYC remove all its signs and notices from Helmsley Town Council's streetlight
• to remove any flyposted signs on its streetlight columns or street furniture.
• to request that other relevant authorities, especially North Yorkshire Council, remove all
flyposted and temporary signs and notices from their street furniture, particularly from road signs
and bollards, unless they are official temporary notices to alert the public.
• to request that NYC replace their temporary signs (fastened with cable ties) about parking on
market days with permanent signage.

The council was concerned about the advertising of businesses, especially those not in Helmsley, an
event advertising around town.

Last updated: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 13:59