16th October 2024

Search Helmsley Town Council

Serving the people of Helmsley and Carlton

Financial Information

Expenditure A record of the most recent expenditure either approved ahead of a council meeting or to be approved at a council meeting can be found in the calendar of meetings by clicking on the meeting date and looking at the minutes. Most payments are found in the Payments List. The monthly Bank Reconciliation and the Running Budget can also be found in the meeting papers in the calendar. These documents have been added for meetings from January 2019 onwards.

Estimates of Income and Expenditure - budgets and precepts

Each autumn the council calculates the budget and precept (tagged on documents page) needed for the following financial year and the earmarked reserves needed for future budget items. Earmarked reserves are kept separate from the council's general reserves.

After calculating income and expenditure, the council decides on the precept it will need to balance the budget and asks North Yorkshire Council to collect it from Helmsley Parish householders (per domestic property). The actual amount householders will pay will vary from year to year depending on the Band D equivalent which changes every year.

The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to North Yorkshire Council (NYC). NYC co-ordinates the other demands from North Yorkshire Council, North Yorkshire Council Social Care element, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and North Yorkshire Police. NYC calculates the total Council Tax Bill to be paid from 1 April.

Annual Governance Statement & External Auditor's Reports - use this link or search in Documents

Each year the council submits an Annual Return to its External Auditor - these are under Documents/Finance & Audit.

Financial Regulations


Last updated: Mon, 07 Aug 2023 13:33